Logic is “a science that deals with the rules and tests of sound thinking and proof by reasoning.” - Merriam-Webster Dictionary. The majority of society today disregards the true definition of logic, and instead replaces it with illogical thinking and reasoning, as displayed in cases or topics regarding abortion, euthanasia, religion, and various other subjects. Use of true logic is necessary in order to prevent error in all aspects of life. Use of illogical thinking and reasoning only increases error, vice, and evil, and does nothing to support or promote the common good of mankind.
Truth, that is, truth spelled with a capital “T”, is the Word of God, and His Law. God is the source of all Truth. He can neither deceive nor be deceived. Jesus Christ stated that He is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Whoever believes in Me may not remain in darkness.” Truth alone sets one free; error, however, is a prison and a torment, as one in error cannot experience much or any happiness. The Truth, like logic, is contrary to error, and the Truth conquers and counters Satan and the errors and lies he spreads. The practice of Truth is necessary in order to preserve God’s Laws on earth, gain Heaven, and defeat Satan and his works. In the modern day, Truth, like logic, is often perverted and distorted.
The purpose of this site is to write in light of true Logic and Truth.