Logic and Truth

"The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword"

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Location: United States

A Catholic young lady with a love of my Faith, and all things associated with it.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Church and State

Separation of Church and State is a commonly misunderstood idea. In its true sense, the government does not establish a national religion, and does not give preference to a particular religion. In the distorted sense, common today, this phrase had been used to mean that all semblance of religion should and must be kept out of all public aspects of life, and should not interfere with public life at all. Religion, however, must play a role in public life, or else it will be permitted in some areas and prohibited in others.

Separating religion from politics is impossible, as the just laws of our nation are founded and formed upon Natural Law and the Ten Commandments given to man by God. Murder, stealing, and lying were condemned by God, and are also illegal in the eyes of our government. One cannot deny the practice of belief in God in public, yet at the same time uphold laws formed on laws He has given us. Either belief in God and practice of religion be public, in which laws will be just and reflective of logic and Truth, or God and religion will be banned from the public, causing politics and law to flow into confusion, with some things being allowed and others being banned. The case of Terri Schiavo is reflective of the latter point - while murder is illegal, and the starvation of animals and usually people is also considered illegal, because the court system of the United States has pulled away from God, Terri was allowed to starve to death under a judge’s orders through use of distorted law. Numerous other cases prove that religion and politics must go hand in hand or else the nation and laws suffer.

There is a God, who has given us rules to live by in our lives. These rules must be followed in order to support the common good of man and society, and in order to upkeep the practice of sound logic and the promotion of Truth.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Beauty and Truth


John Keats was not erroneous when he made that statement, for true beauty is reflective of the Truth, and may cause one to contemplate the Truth. The glowing colors of a sunset; the splendor of springtime; the perfume of a rose - these items of nature, and many more, all draw one towards reflecting upon the Creator of nature, Who is Truth itself. In the same manner, religious art and art that reflects the beauty of nature also draws one towards God. True beauty lifts the soul up, sending it soaring toward God either in prayer, praise, or often, both. Beauty has this capability because God created beauty and nature; therefore such objects are reflective of His power and serve as a reminder of our Father in Heaven.

Just as true beauty is reflective of the Truth, false beauty is reflective of disorder, chaos, and the effects of sin. A painting depicting a mere assortment of shapes and colors; the works of Picasso(sorry folks); “art” depicting gory scenes - these items lack true beauty and are not appealing to the eye. Such results are often irksome rather than pleasing; hard on the eye rather than appealing. True beauty alone lifts the soul up towards God and Truth. Distorted beauty cannot lift the soul upward; instead, it weighs it down to earth.